Day: December 3, 2020

What is a BBL?What is a BBL?

Brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) is a fat grafting surgical procedure that improves the buttocks’ fullness and shape using your body’s fat.

Your surgeon performs liposuction in areas with excess fat like the abdomen,sides,hips,and lower back to improve the lower body’s proportions and contour and harvest fat for addition to the buttocks.
The harvested fat is purified and imediately prepared for grafting. Your plastic surgeon injects the fat into targeted areas of your butt to create a fuller,rounder and more desired contour.
The BBL has usurped other augmentation options like butt implants in popularity. This is due to the BBL’s natural-looking results. That said,Brazilian butt lift surgery is not without complications or controversy,leading many patients to ask,”is BBL safe?”

Although Brazilian butt lift surgery has had reports of a higher complication rate than other cosmetic procedures,many happy patients have received fat grafting to the buttocks without issues and with beautiful results.
As a patient,you need to approach your BBL with safety as a priority. Check out this video of a BBL per-op and post-op

Brazilian butt lifts are not a “one size fits all” procedure. Every person’s body is different,with varying levels of fat and muscle.
It is crucial to work with a board certified plastic surgeon who performs many Brazilian butt lifts. Your plastic surgeon should recognize the limitations of the procedure. And be up-to-date on the latest safety precautions. Then be completely transparent with you about what you can expect with surgery and recovery. Here is an article on the ideal buttock shape.

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